Where the chemical element reacts with the human element
Chemical Research & Development
Starks Associates provides research and development expertise and services for the synthesis of organic molecules. For over 60 years we have provided creative synthesis solutions to our clients in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, agrochemical and specialty chemical fields.
Our highly experienced team has extensive experience in addressing a wide variety of complex synthetic challenges and developing effective solutions. We provide practical and innovative approaches to meet the needs of our partners.
Our clients include government agencies, academic institutions, non-profits and Fortune 500 companies. During our history we have produced thousands of compounds for use as API’s, in the fight against diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
Our laboratory and scale up facilities allow us to perform a wide range of tasks and services that range from initial lead discovery though development and manufacturing.

“Chemistry as a science is still in its infancy. I hold to my view because there is still so much beyond our understanding even in the simplest systems the chemist has cared to deal with.”
– Henry Taube (Nobel Prize Chemist)
Chemical Synthesis to Treat Infectious Diseases
We perform medicinal chemistry R&D for top biotech and pharmaceutical companies across the early phases of drug development and discovery. We provide the facilities and personnel to enable the outsourcing of many phases of drug development, especially early discovery to late pre-clinical research.
Manufacture of Bulk Chemical Pharmaceutical Ingredients for Clinical Studies
Utilize our talented team and facilities to assist and manage your research and synthesis of compounds. We’ve handled many large scale projects for Cancer research, HIV treatments, and numerous other clinical studies.
Starks Associates – Chemical research and development for both the public and private sector.
Custom Synthesis and Contract Synthesis
Our custom synthesis expertise in areas such as drug discovery, catalysts, and building blocks makes us an ideal choice for your project. Our involvement can help reduce costs, save time and better allocate resources in order to meet your precise requirements.
Research and Synthesis of Compounds for Drug Development Studies
Starks Associates has synthesized drug candidate compound libraries for drug discovery. We’ve made numerous novel compounds for both structure–activity relationship evaluation and physical and biological property determination via in vitro and in vivo testing.